Tuesday, July 7, 2009

LULULEMON runs my shit.

Firstly, I would like to say WELCOME. Max and I are thrilled to have you visiting.

Isn't amazing how much what we wear affects our daily life...or is it the other way around? Does it matter? Maybe. But here is what I know for sure. Clothing and what we wear (because with Max and I what we wear doesn't always constitute as clothing) is a subtle reminder of what we already know: who we are, or more importantly who we want to be.

WTF is the douche that wrote that?...oh yes, it was me. I apologize.

"I Should Have Just Worn a High Waisted Pant" is a place Where Max and I (Juan) give quippy daily recaps of what we wore that day. You may be asking yourself "why would I care what you wore that day?" The answer is simply that this is some interesting shit.

Today I wore Black Lululemon Pantsover a pair of black SPANX and black custom made jazz pant from "Class in Dance Shop," with an orange american apparel deep-V. I have to admit something LULULEMON runs my shit. I don't know why...but they do. The clothing is super over-priced and only sort-of-attractive BUT I LOVE IT. It makes me feel dressier than I actually am that day. And spanx well they don't run my shit, they are da shit. They smooth it out and tuck it in. Thank you JESUS. Overall I looked like a 25-year-old female yoga instructor who recently gained a lot of weight on her honeymoon, who has a lot of cash because she married an investment banker who started taking her class after he got gastric bypass. perfect.

the shoes were a sensible brooks running sneaker. very sharp-ish. very comfortable.

Tonight, I slutted it up and wore a true staple outfit in the house of JTF. A plaid steven alan shirt that i bought at the sample sale a couple of years ago with Melisa Basolo and apair of blue and white striped diesel short shorts that make daddy bears want a hot dog reeaalll bad. A green and white patent leather sperry top-sider with a gold watch (as per usual) finish the outfit.

In conclusion I probably would have looked better if
at some point today I had just worn a high waisted pant.

Love you all....please follow our Twitter.




  1. you must take daily pics of your outfits. so funny juan. i wonder where you get your sense of humor!?! lol

  2. exactly how i pictured it! :) i wish i can wear shorts like you can...I HATE SHORTS!!!!

  3. I'm dying. Absolutely gasping for air. Funniest thing I've ever read. BAR. NONE.

  4. THIS is running my life right now and is exactly why I have already added this blog to my Google Reader. A MUST.
