Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i love juicy couture and new jersey.

I woke up late today and didn't do p90x. I just have to just admit it, you know. Because it totally affected what I wore today. I am sort of in a fashion funk that has everything to do with p90x. You see I have recently gained some weight, which is why I am doing p90x, so I am only wearing shorts and sweatpants. Literally. I don't fit into my pants. I have one pair of jeans that I am wearing to auditions and such.

That said, today I wore cute-ish powder blue shorts with a white t-shirt and a blue and white polka dotted scarf that i wrapped around my waist and converted it into a flamenco sarong of sorts. yea i wore that. in public. wearing crazy things is fun sometimes, but sometimes you just want to look normal. plain jane. but then i came home and started watching the mj tribute and I realized that being different-being truly individual- well it may be our greatest gift from the universe. i was just moved by the whole thing today. first outfit of the day

later, i had rehearsal for the new musical i'm rehearsing for DIZZY, which you must come see . I'll post the info soon. Anyway, I decided to do it. I've been avoiding it...but i did it. I grabbed the black juicy velour pants
and pullled them on and I felt like i was in high school again. I felt like I was studying for AP Psych with Ali, Sloane, Krikos, and Becca all over again. You know when you watch "what not to wear" and some tragic 45-year old accountant from philly is still wearing the same shit she wore in 1989. Well, i sympathize with her now. I know why she keeps those awful business suits that look like an outfit worn by Ann Kelsey on LA Law...because she like them, they make her feel nice. That is what juicy couture does for me. I mentioned on my personal twitter page the other day "Is it wrong to wear juicy couture velour sweats in 2009? Absolutely. Am I wearing them right now? You bet your holy vagina I am." And even though they may be super jersey hot mess pants I love 'em.

I wore the outfit with a black and white flannel shirt, a white t-shirt and my glasses. My second outfit of the day.

i really think i need to wear some pants tomorrow. preferrably a high waisted pair.

xoxo, juan

p.s. isn't it amazing how differently max and i write. i love it. such different voices. i'm having a lot of fun with this.

p.p.s MARIAH WAS FEACCCE today at that memorial. i dont care what anybody says.

1 comment:

  1. The photo of the sarong SLAYS me to bits. You, my friend, are a genius.
